Robot Vacuum with Alexa - Hands-Free Cleaning Power

Executive Summary

Robot Vacuum with Alexa offers unparalleled convenience in home cleaning. With its integration of Alexa technology, this cutting-edge device transforms cleaning into a hands-free experience. By simply issuing voice commands, users can effortlessly control their robot vacuum, allowing for seamless navigation and efficient cleaning of floors. This innovative combination of robotics and smart home technology revolutionizes traditional cleaning methods, empowering users to achieve pristine floors without lifting a finger. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual vacuuming and hello to the future of cleaning with Robot Vacuum with Alexa. Experience the power of automation as it tackles dust, dirt, and debris with precision and ease. Enhance your lifestyle with this intelligent solution that not only simplifies household chores but also elevates the overall cleanliness of your living space. With Robot Vacuum with Alexa, maintaining a spotless home has never been easier or more accessible.

What is a Robot Vacuum with Alexa? It sounds like a female name, but it is much friendlier than Alexa or Amazon. You probably know that Alexa is the voice behind the Amazon Echo system, but it’s much more than that. The Alexa “intelligence” comes from Amazon Web Services, which runs the digital brain behind Alexa. 

RoboRock S7 was awarded the “Best Robot Vacuum with Alexa” award in 2018.

Robot Vacuum with Alexa. The voice behind the Amazon Echo.

Why is Alexa so famous? It’s because she’s pretty awesome. Also, she doesn’t have a name because names are weird, and she doesn’t like them. Words are for humans with their strange bodies, eight fingers, and two feet. Alexa has a brain, but she doesn’t have a body! She’s an entity of pure intelligence and sound! Ask her about the weather, ask her about your day, ask her about herself, and she’ll figure it out for you.

What will she do for you? We’ll tell you why we love Alexa: we’re big fans of robots. Robots can do all kinds of things: vacuum your floors, move trash from one place to another, take out the garbage every day at 2 p.m., and much more! Thanks to Alexa and her AWS cognitive services, robots are getting smarter by the minute—and now they can help you in ways they never could before.

Now you don’t need to walk over to your robot vacuum to turn it on or off. The robot vacuum turns itself on when it’s dark outside! And now it knows when you are.

Robot Vacuum with Alexa

Clean Home - Robot Vacuum with Alexa

Keep your home clean with the RoboRock S7 Robot Vacuum with Alexa, which offers up to 160 minutes of cleaning time on a single charge. With 2000 Pa of suction, it quickly and efficiently vacuums dirt, dust, and debris from your floors.

Use its app to schedule a specific day and time for cleaning and track the areas cleaned via a map within its app. This vacuum cleaner is compatible with Amazon AlexaSiri Shortcuts support, and Google Home. 

Intelligent route planning maps out the most efficient cleaning path for your home. Robot Vacuum with Alexa learns and adapts to real-world layouts, taking the shortest route to clean with maximum efficiency while avoiding obstacles.

How often have you wished you could get your floors to clean themselves? 

You don’t even need those human-operated cleaning services anymore. 

This product is so intelligent that it will plan out its path to get from one end of the house to the other, making sure to catch all the spots. You have to tell it when to start cleaning.

Effortlessly Navigates

The Roborock S7 is an intelligent, powerful robot vacuum with Alexa that moves around the furniture to provide ultra-powerful suction that sweeps away dirt and dust. In addition, the Roborock S7 has a precision water tank to mop floors, polishing them to a shine and giving perfect cleaning through smart navigationpowerful suction, and mopping

When we saw the Roborock S7, we knew it would be our new best friend.

The S7 is like having an extra set of hands around the house. It effortlessly navigates your home—even moving around furniture to give every inch of floor space a deep cleaning. It’s always on the lookout for dirt and dust, and you can set up specific cleaning modes for different levels of messes.

And did we mention it’s Alexa-compatible? You can start and stop your cleaning sessions with just a simple voice command.

Lazy Persons Best Friend

Robot Vacuum with Alexa is every lazy person’s best friend. You won’t find a more convenient way to clean your carpets and hard floors. Perfect for homes with pets and children, this handy cleaning device will pick up all the fur, sneezes, and crumbs that can trigger allergies, leaving you more time for leisure activities like watching TV. With Alexa voice control capabilities, you can program it easily from any place in your home.

Clean your house with just a command. Our robot vacuums have at least five times the suction of other robot vacuums for all floor types. With Alexa built-in, you can ask your Robot to start cleaning, dock, and schedule your cleanings with spoken commands.


Q. Which Roomba is Alexa compatible?

 Ans. If you’re looking to buy a Roomba vacuum compatible with Alexa, the choice is easy: You’re looking for the Roomba 690.

The Roomba 690 is the only robot vacuum on the market that voice commands from your Amazon Echo or another intelligent speaker can control. It’s also the most advanced Roomba, with features like a dirt detection system and a high-efficiency filter.

Q. Can Alexa control my robot vacuum?

Ans. Yes, you can control your robot vacuum with Alexa.

You can ask Alexa to start, stop and pause the vacuum; tell it to go to a specific room; or change the cleaning mode (for example, from ordinary to max mode).



– The best cleaning performance as compared to all robot vacuum cleaners.

– It’s straightforward to use. The app gives you much control over the Robot and its movements. You can also schedule cleaning so it will clean at a specific time every day.

– It has a powerful motor, which means it will do a better job on hard floors than other robot vacuums.


– The battery life is only about 2 hours, so you’ll need to charge it more often than other robots with longer battery lives.


If you’re looking to buy a Robot Vacuum with Alexa, the S7 is well worth the investment. It’s a great overall device, powerful and efficient without sacrificing convenience.

Voice Control. Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Siri Shortcuts support let you command your Robot with the power of your voice. For example, S7 starts cleaning with a simple voice command. 

The Roborock S7 is currently in the top position of our robot vacuum with Alexa ranking. It offers an intelligent navigation system, a good cleaning performance, and many intelligent features. Furthermore, the Robot is relatively quiet, though admittedly not as soft as earlier models.

The Roborock app is a full-featured one, and it allows you to choose which floor type (wood, tile, ceramic) and adjust the suction’s strength on each of these floors separately. It also lets you change behavior settings such as starting and finishing times. You can also add different Zones or rooms and name them in the app.

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