Comparing iRobot 694 and 675: Unveiling the Champion of Robotic Cleaning

Executive Summary

In the comparison between the iRobot 694 and 675, we delve into the nuances of two formidable contenders in the realm of robotic cleaning. The iRobot 694 and 675 represent the pinnacle of innovation in household cleaning technology, each vying for the title of the ultimate robotic cleaner. This executive summary offers an insightful analysis into their respective features, functionalities, and performance metrics. By unveiling the champion of robotic cleaning, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of which model best suits their needs and preferences. From suction power and navigation capabilities to smart connectivity features and battery life, every aspect is meticulously scrutinized to determine which iRobot model emerges victorious in the battle for household cleanliness. Dive into the comparative journey of the iRobot 694 vs 675 to make an informed decision and elevate your cleaning experience.

The IROBOT 694 VS 675 are two of the best cleaning robots on the market. They both have distinct features that make them worthy of consideration, so you must know what they are before deciding which one to buy.

We’ll break down all the differences between these two models so that you can make an informed decision when it comes time to pick one up for yourself.

iRobot 694 Vs 675
iRobot 694 Vs 675


The IROBOT 694 VS 675 both come with a laser distance sensor that allows them to avoid obstacles in their path. However, the 694 has a more accurate distance sensor than the 675, which can detect smaller objects and follow them more easily.

The 694 also comes with an advanced navigation system that allows it to map new environments as it goes through them. Roomba 694 can find its way around without getting stuck in corners or on furniture.

Both models are very similar in terms of cleaning power because they use the same motorized brushes for scrubbing floors and side brushes for cleaning walls and furniture edges. However, there is one difference: The brush rollers on the 694 are made from soft rubber instead of hard plastic like on the 675 (which means they’re less likely to scratch wood floors).


The iRobot 694 and 675 are excellent at cleaning your floors, but they offer two different approaches to getting rid of pet hair.

The 694 has a motorized brush that spins around while vacuuming to loosen up embedded dirt and hair. This approach is excellent for removing pet hair trapped in the carpet for a while, but it can’t clean up small clumps of pet hair that have just fallen onto your floor.

The 675 relies on suction alone to suck up all dirt and debris, including pet hair. It doesn’t have a brush like the 694, so it doesn’t have any spinning action that could damage your carpets or floors.


The iRobot Roomba 694 is a cleaning machine that’s relatively easy to maintain. It has a side brush and a rubber beater for cleaning the corners of your floors, so you don’t have to worry about it getting stuck in corners or under furniture. You can also adjust the height of its brushes to clean carpets or hardwood floors.

The Roomba 675 is also easy to maintain; you need to empty its dustbin when it gets full. However, this model doesn’t have a side brush or rubber beater, which may get stuck in corners more quickly than the 694 models.


IROBOT 694 VS 675 has a scheduling feature that allows you to set up a cleaning schedule for the robot vacuum so that it will clean at the same time every day or week.

The only difference between the two is that with the 694, you can create separate schedules for each day of the week, whereas with the 675, you can only create one plan for all days.


Yes, you can assign no-go areas to your IROBOT 694 VS 675. You can even have your Roomba clean a particular area more thoroughly than others.

You have to select the spot on the map and click “Clean.” Then, click “Customize” and use the slider to adjust how much time your Roomba will spend cleaning each area.


The IROBOT 694 VS 675 are great products; however, there are a few key differences in their design and capabilities.

Both models can clean floors, but the 694 includes an optional HEPA filter to trap dust and allergens from your home. It also has a larger dirt bin (80 liters) than the 675 (55 liters). The most significant difference between IROBOT 694 VS 675 is that the 694 comes with four cleaning modes, Auto Cleaning, Spot Cleaning, Edge Cleaning, and Max Mode. At the same time, the 675 only has three: Auto Cleaning, Spot Cleaning, and Edge Cleaning.

So which one should you buy? If you have many hardwood floors or plan to vacuum regularly, we recommend getting the iRobot 694. It will save you time by automatically cleaning up messes before they get too big. If you don’t have several carpets, go for any IROBOT 694 VS 675. They both do a fantastic job picking up pet hair and dust bunnies!


Q. What is the difference between a Roomba 675 and a 694?

The Roomba 675 and 694 are automatic vacuum robots that can be controlled with smartphones. The main difference between the two models is that the 675 comes with a remote control and washable filter, while the 694 has cleaning brushes and a camera.

The Roomba 675 also has a built-in HEPA filter, which helps to reduce allergens in your home. It also has edge-cleaning sensors to help it navigate furniture and other obstacles.

The Roomba 694 model comes with a remote control to start it from anywhere in your house and control its movements without having to be near it. It also has suction power of up to 5x more than other models, so it can pick up dirt along edges and corners where other vacuums might miss it.

You can use either robot on carpets or hard floors, but remember that their different designs may work better on certain surfaces than others (for example: if you have thick carpets, then you may prefer the Roomba 675).


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